2020 is a Year for the Books

By: Gabe Wilson.

2020 is a year for the books. Historic events will shape the way we think about the world for years to come. Some of those events were good, and some were significantly less good. In the furor of it all, one event, actually an anniversary, was especially important to me. J. Wilson & Associates, Inc. was founded 20 years ago this year.

It seems odd to say the company started at the turn of the century, but that’s what happened when my father took a risk that changed his life. Playing off a lifetime of working with the written word, he bet essentially his life savings that customers would need the products and services he could provide if he did so with a simple philosophy–give as much, if not more than you get. Plus, he was never afraid to hire people smarter than he was because it was an easy way to add value. Over the years, it worked out. We’ve had the good fortune to support a great many fortune 500 clients in a variety of roles, and we’ve learned and adapted as we went so that the goods and services we provide today are vastly different than they were 20 years ago.

In honor of that 20-year commitment to change and growth, we are relaunching our website to include a blog and newsletter. The purpose of the blog is to give. In doing so, we hope to provide interesting information and informative insights that might help you better understand the way you approach your own organization’s documents, data, and processes, whether you are a leader or an individual contributor. It’s our way of continuing the proposition that a company should give as much, if not more than it gets.

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